Now for my man's update... When mom's
say it happens fast, boy does it! Here are my top 5 milestones for 16 months:

Of course, adding to the dramatic faces
that I receive with each question (not sure where he gets that from???) is very
extravagant hand gestures. The pointing finger, big arm circles (when
explaining something very important), clinched fists (when something really
exciting happens) and a little bit of sassy-hands (imagine Bon-Qui-Qui at 16
months old).
2. "Do you want to help
mommy..." Never did I know it would be so much easier to get a toddler
to do what you want them to do if you ASK, rather than TELL, them to do it.
Nugget-man loves to follow directions, but he gets an attitude when he is tired
or isn't into what is going on. However, I've noticed that if I ask him to
"help mommy wipe your nose, please" he stops refusing and actually
takes the washcloth or Boogie Wipe and wipes his face and nose. Instead of
fighting with a tired baby to put night clothes on, I ask him to put in one
foot or hand at a time, and he stops crying and lifts one leg… then the other…
and then slips his arm into the sleeve, and when his fingers pop out it cracks
him up every time.
Watering plants and herbs
Yes, I know, simple concept... and
while in extreme conditions this doesn't always work, it's about
95% effective
which is about 95% more than I expected. I'm positive the first time I asked
the question out loud, it was directed to Jesus in prayer... maybe he gave me
my answer! "Ask and you shall receive"
3. Chow hound! I can't help but
be so proud of my kid’s eating habits. He eats everything but white potatoes (and
that's just fine with me).
He loves to eat. The biggest milestone
with meal times is probably his determinedness to use the spoon/fork to feed
himself (and anyone else sitting within utensil-reach). He will actually pick
items up with his hands and put them back in the bowl so he can try to spoon
them out again. If he’s really hungry, he will let you spoon feed him… but most
times he wants to do it himself, or all hell breaks loose!
Water day at school
Brock started out with the little smoke
bombs and whistling chickens, Keegan was not impressed. Out come the sparklers,
and while my hubs face was alight with joy, my sons face was flooded with tears
of fear! As long as he was sitting on someone’s lap, we were cool. Otherwise,
he wanted nothing to do with the fireworks. He much rathered trying to fix my
car with his toddler pliers or spraying the dog with the hose!
5. Ascent!
I’ve read so many stories and seen so many pictures of toddlers climbing, but they
do not prepare you for the moment that you turn your back for 5 seconds while
your child plays quietly on the floor with a dinosaur, only to turn back to
find that he has fashioned an entire step pyramid out of toys so he can reach
atop the back of the couch to get the remote control. He has also started to
climb in and out of the bath tub, and will any day be able to seat himself in
his highchair.

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