Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Beginning

Where to begin? My little nugget (we'll call him Tuff) is only 3.5 months old, yet so much has happened in that time that I have no idea where to begin. So it’s safe to say this will be a long post… Hope you are comfortable!

I wanted to start a baby blog because I have read so many that have helped me... Helped me feel good about myself, helped me see that I wasn't the only one (with whatever was going on with me at that moment), helped me weigh options I didn't even know I had. The women in these blogs are my little “phase-in-life” savers. I love to write and get it all down on paper, I love to share my experiences, and every once in a while I find out from a friend of a friend of someone I might have spoken to about something I was going through and it helped them. The feeling you get from helping someone is incredible to me, it is a high that can only be reached by being selfless and truthful in your confessions and being truly compassionate to your audience. I have always “blogged”. Maybe not in the new modern way of blogging, but I have notebooks upon notebooks of handwritten journals detailing almost every chapter in my life from the time I could write to the present day. I read back in my diaries and am instantly brought back to that day, but with the knowledge that I have now, and I remember how so many times I felt like I was the only person in the world traveling on the road of life. My life has been through many phases, and I want to share this phase with whoever will listen (read) it. May it bring you comfort, may it help you through a boring part of your day, may it piss you off, may you be disgusted by it… I can’t promise to keep it light, as we all know there are dark and heavy times that we all go through, but I promise to keep it real and be honest with my experiences.

Seeing the title of my blog should illuminate you on what my life consists of at this time… my baby boy! He is truly an angel from the heavens. My most consistent prayer has been for God to give me patience. Admittedly, I’m not really that into church and all that. But that does not mean that I’m not religious. I say prayers and thank God and the heavens and Earth for everything good AND bad in my life, for without the one I would not have the other. And one thing I have always had a problem with is patience, and I am fully aware of this hitch. To make a long story short, the answer to my prayers for patience came with the birth of my son “Tuff”… and this is our story in 4 parts… “The Wait”, “The Blow”, “The Surprise” and “Rebirth”…

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